New to Home Buying

House Construction Job Titles

Various professionals play key roles in the home construction process, each with distinct responsibilities: the general contractor oversees subcontractors and materials, building inspectors ensure code compliance, and construction managers assist the general contractor. Financial institutions provide construction and end loans, title insurance companies assure clear titles, and roles like architects, interior designers, and surveyors contribute specialized expertise, with some requiring state licensure or professional association memberships.

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New to Home Buying

Aging in Place

Aging in Place refers to the trend of individuals preferring to live independently in their homes regardless of age, with statistics indicating a high demand for such lifestyle modifications. To meet this growing need, the NAHB has developed a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) program, teaching professionals how to make homes more accessible; recommended home features include a first-floor master bedroom, low-threshold entrances, and specialized lighting techniques.

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New to Home Buying

Home Financing

Buying your first home is an exciting yet complex process that requires careful financial planning and understanding of the mortgage landscape. To prepare, prospective buyers should conduct thorough research, use mortgage calculators to determine what they can afford, pay down existing debts, attend first-time home buying seminars, and ultimately seek pre-approval for a loan to better position themselves in a competitive market.

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New to Home Buying

Home Buyer Glossary

Navigating the complexities of home buying involves understanding a range of specialized terms and conditions, from “Adjustable-Rate Mortgage” to “Veterans Administration.” This comprehensive glossary serves as a valuable guide for prospective home buyers, covering essential vocabulary like “Appraisal,” “Closing Costs,” “Equity,” and more to help you make informed decisions throughout the process.

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